After almost four years of no conference expo opportunities due to the pandemic, US Nuclear Corp is excited to ramp up travel and show appearances.
US Nuclear Corp had a great experience at the recent WQA in Las Vegas. The attendees were very interested in US Nuclear Corp’s water product line. Technical Associates, the design/build division of US Nuclear Corp, has an extensive suite of water instruments measuring radiation, chemicals, including PFAS, and biological contamination.

The US Nuclear Corp booth attracted a good number of participants. Several leads were acquired, including municipalities, water well contractors, and companies looking to expand their product line by including measurement instruments from Technical Associates.
US Nuclear Corp looks forward to expanding these lead opportunities and making significant sales.

Technical Associates (TA) and Overhoff Technology (OTC), divisions of US Nuclear Corp, have an extensive line of real-time continuous water monitors for all radiation-emitting isotopes: including Tritium, various chemicals, including PFAS, and biologicals.
These monitors, both installed and portable, have diverse applications for fresh and sea water and include water utilities, wastewater facilities, hospitals, mining activities, and nuclear power plants. EPA regulations dictate periodic water sampling with samples submitted to a lab for analysis. Real-time continuous monitoring is immediate and cost-effective.
Be sure to check US Nuclear's calendar of events for our next Convention and Expo dates.