Nuclear Energy

  • 4 Advantages of Investing in Nuclear Energy Right Now

    4 Advantages of Investing in Nuclear Energy Right Now

    Nuclear energy is going through a major resurgence in popularity, especially when it comes to nuclear energy investment. While nuclear energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can be converted from one form to another, as this energy is released from the nucleus of the atom. When a controlled nuclear reaction occurs, either through fusion or fission, it produces a large amount of energy that can be used instead of non renewable resources like oil and gas.

    Investing in nuclear energy stocks can be beneficial for investors across the globe. Here are four major advantages of nuclear energy investment for the 21st century.

    1. Reduces your carbon footprint

    Nuclear energy brings with it lower greenhouse gas emissions as this form of energy does not release any gases into the environment. Additionally, there is no adverse impact on water, land, or habitats with the creation of this form of energy.

    2. Reliable

    Other forms of alternative energy sources aren’t always as reliable, especially resources dependent on favorable weather conditions. Solar and wind plants need specific conditions to produce large amounts of energy; however, nuclear energy can be produced even within the roughest weather conditions.

    3. Cost effective

    The cost of uranium, the element that is used as fuel in the nuclear energy process, is incredibly lower than other forms of energy. Plus, one kilogram of natural uranium will produce about 20,000 times as much energy as the same amount of coal, so your dollar will be stretched to a new level with this product. Also, a nuclear reactor can last up to 60 years if maintained properly, which makes the cost of producing electricity incredibly low over its lifetime.

    4. Easy transportation

    Nuclear energy requires less raw material than other sources. For example, 28 grams of uranium produces as much energy as 100 metric tons of coal. Not only that, but since nuclear energy is required in small quantities, total transportation costs are comparably very low.

    All in all, there are many benefits to nuclear investment that can bring many advantages to companies across the globe. If you have any additional questions about nuclear energy investment, do not hesitate to contact our experts today.


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  • 3 Enlightening Advantages to Nuclear Energy

    3 Enlightening Advantages to Nuclear Energy

    Global warming has become a hot topic in recent years, which has prompted scientists, politicians, and the general public to spend time exploring and investing in energy for alternate fuel options. One such option is nuclear energy. Investing in energy companies will help to further develop methods and viable ways we can harness nuclear power. When we invest in nuclear energy, we invest in our future. If you’re still wondering about some of the advantages to using nuclear power and how investing in nuclear energy can benefit our world, here are three enlightening assets to using this energy resource:

      • Reduced greenhouse gases
        Nuclear energy has one of the lowest environmental impacts of any power source. This is because carbon dioxide and methane — the gases responsible for the greenhouse effect — are not released during the process. In addition, there is no negative impact on land, water, or animal habitats as a result of nuclear energy use. Essentially, nuclear energy investment is an eco-friendly move.
      • Powerful and reliable
        Nuclear energy is an extremely efficient and powerful resource. Investing in nuclear companies will help develop technological advances that can further cement nuclear energy’s status as one of the most productive sources of alternate energy. Other alternate sources tend to be quite limited and those who use them often have to settle for less efficiency. But nuclear plants can operate constantly and will not be affected by weather conditions. With nuclear power, no one is forced to sacrifice power performance.
    • Cost-effective
      Nuclear energy has a considerably low fuel cost, and the cost of generating electricity is quite low. Although the set-up cost of a nuclear power plant is substantial, the cost of running that plant is small. The US Nuclear Energy Institute states that the cost of uranium — the material that allows nuclear power to be created — represents only 14% of a plant’s cost. Compared to the overall cost percentage of fuel for coal plants (78%) and gas plants (89%), the cost efficiency is clearly seen. And because it’s possible to generate a large amount of energy within one plant, a single power plant investment can go a long way in terms of energy production. In addition, nuclear reactors can operate successfully for up to 60 years, which means you won’t be faced with high set-up costs or constant replacements.

    Nuclear power is the indisputable next step for our planet’s energy sources. Investing in energy companies will help make this beneficial power source a reality. If you’re interested in learning more about the power of nuclear energy or investing in energy companies, contact us today for more information.


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